Crazylegs Draw

The Crazylegs Draw

The Crazylegs Draw will take place at a Beda Social night every month.

Each participant will be allocated a number. Participants may purchase more than one number. Numbers begin at 1 and will increase according to demand.

The draw will be made using which offers true random numbers.

All participants in the draw will be required to pay £5 per number on the 1st of each month by standing order to the Beda Chapter WSMBA bank account.

Each month the total money raised will be split 50/50.

50% will be saved in the Beda WSMBA bank account for charity purposes.

50% will be paid as winnings. This is known as the winning pot.

There are three prizes each month.

If you wish to join the draw, please click here.

Prize winners will be notified in person or by email, and payment will be made by bank transfer.

If a participant withdraws from the draw their number(s) will be made available to the next people joining. If that participant later wants to re-join they will be allocated a new number.

The draw will be made in line with Bedford Borough Council’s Small Lottery Guidance. The returns will be signed by the lottery licensee together with the Vice President and the Treasurer of Beda Chapter WSMBA.

20% of Prize Fund

14% of Prize Fund

7.5% of Prize Fund

5% of Prize Fund

3.5% of Prize Fund

October 2023 Draw

Total Prize Pot of £300 with £150 going to BEDA Charities
First Prize
Number 23
Peter Nunn £60
Second Prize
Number 11
Rachel Shaw

Third Prize
Number 1
Jo Prouse
Third Prize
4th: No.15 - Connor Gosling £15
5th: No. 14 - Jeff Boote £11.25

September 2023 Draw

Total Prize Pot of £305 with £152.50 going to BEDA Charities
First Prize
Number 15
Connor Gosling
Second Prize
Number 37
Keith Atkinson £42

Third Prize
Number 48
Blood Bikes £23
(c/o Peter Nunn)

Third Prize
No.38 - Steve Winser
Sarah Stoughton

August 2023 Draw

Total Prize Pot of £305 with £152.50 going to BEDA Charities
First Prize
Number 27
Maria Batchelor

Second Prize
Number 25
Lisanne Handley
(Donated back into the charity pot)

Third Prize
Number 7
Peter Nunn

Third Prize
Peter Nunn

Martin Howell


To view Beda's "Registration of non-commercial Society" registration, click on the image to the right.

Gambling can be addictive, please play responsibly. For more information and advice visit Be Gamble Aware.

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